Calculate last day of month

Slightly nicer is:
puts, 9, -1)

Well, aren't you Mr. Tricky? :slight_smile:

Here's the documentation For Date.civil() describing the feature Norgg

"Create a new Date object for the Civil Date specified by year y, month
m, and day-of-month d.

m and d can be negative, in which case they count backwards from the end
of the year and the end of the month respectively. No wraparound is
performed, however, and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be


From: Norgg []

that is damn cool. missed that.



On Fri, 22 Sep 2006, Gavin Kistner wrote:

From: Norgg []

Slightly nicer is:
puts, 9, -1)

Well, aren't you Mr. Tricky? :slight_smile:

Here's the documentation For Date.civil() describing the feature Norgg

"Create a new Date object for the Civil Date specified by year y, month
m, and day-of-month d.

m and d can be negative, in which case they count backwards from the end
of the year and the end of the month respectively. No wraparound is
performed, however, and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be

in order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow - and that is
likely to hurt. -- wei wu wei