Builtins RDoc tarball?

Trying that takes 20 minutes a pop and has failed in the past. I was
attempting to pare down and see if it was a particular file that was

Anyhow, I’m now following Mr. Sinclair’s advice and going to rebuild
Ruby with the latest stable snapshot, and see if the rdoc provided by
that fares any better.

(The same error occurred when I ran it on just *.c in the main
directory, FWIW.)


On Feb 18, 2004, at 10:18 AM, Dave Thomas wrote:

In the meantime, you probably don’t want to document the .rb files in
the main ruby directory. Just type

rdoc --op rdoc

and let it work out what to document.

(-, /\ / / //

This is commonly solved with several ‘constructors’

class << self
def new_from_string(string); … new(…) end
def new_from_seconds(seconds); … end



On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 02:23:02AM +0900, Gavin Kistner wrote:

For example, I have:

Can be called in one of five ways:

* MutableTime.new( ) – same as #now

* MutableTime.new( someString ) – same as #parse

* MutableTime.new( someSeconds ) – same as #at

* MutableTime.new( year, month, … ) – same as #local

* MutableTime.new( aTimeOrMutableTime ) – creates a new

MutableTime based off of

the supplied Time or MutableTime object

def initialize( dateString_Seconds_Time_orYear = nil , *dateTimePieces )

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Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

Linux: Where Don’t We Want To Go Today?
– Submitted by Pancrazio De Mauro, paraphrasing some well-known sales talk

Thanks again, Gavin. That’s great news.



On Thursday, February 19, 2004, 7:49:52 AM, Gavin wrote:

Gavin Kistner wrote:

Amazingly, I’m still fighting this. Here’s the latest output (using rdoc
from 1.8.1 on the latest snapshot sources):

For the record, I’m happy to report that getting the latest stable
snapshot, building that, and running the new version of rdoc against
those new sources finally produced the builtins documentation I was
looking for. Yay!

(And as an added bonus, something about the source tree or rdoc
algorithm causes it to process FAR less files, taking <5 minutes, as
opposed to the >20 that it was taking during the failed attempts.)

I don't know about the rest of your problems, but the above seem to me
to be an interpreter problem.

corrected in CVS

Guy Decoux