Big screnshot with some of the little Ruby-GTK programs that I've written

Hey all,

Today I took the time to take a really big screen shot
(1600x1200) of some of the programs that I've written
with Ruby-GTK:

(temporary mirrors)

I'm continuing with my Gtk_Rules project (which is to
build the ultimate, for me, GUI toolkit on top of
Ruby-GTK,) and these examples help me to test it and
at the same time they give me implementation ideas.
The problem is that the library is too alpha to be
released, but maybe in July I'll have the time to
prepare a release. The other problem is that it's not
as generic as some would like. lol :slight_smile:

Well, I have two GTK installations that I switch when
I feel like, but I'm using mostly GTK 2.4.1 as the
runtime environment. The icon images are smaller in
the latest version, but I don't know if it's because
of the Wimp engine. Anyway, I like the latest version
of GTK.

A crazy idea, is that I don't know where such a
development environment fits in the production chain,
but I love it. If one day the computers prove to be
fast enough to run these programs without much
noticeable slowness, and they will, I think such a
development environment will be a big success.

I don't need a visual designer for this stuff. To be
frank, I'm not sure how to use a visual designer
without falling in the same trap of copying and
pasting a lot, and using less proper inheritance
(maybe Smalltalk has the answer for this, but I know
zero about it, and I don't care much about the grandpa
of Ruby anyway.) :wink:

Arigato gozaimasu Matz, Masao, Nobu and all the others
who make Ruby and the community.

PS: I love the syntax highlighting that Kaspar
provided for Scite; it's really awesome.



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