Beginner question - n-dimensional arrays

I’m having a little problem with n-dimensional arrays. Here’s what I intend to do:

I want to create 2-dimensional array which I’m using as a grid for a simulation. The initialize method receives (among others) two values, one for the number of rows and one for the number of colums, which I store in @rows and @cols respectively. The intialize method also creates the lattice based on those values with the following code

@lattice =,
k = 0
for i in 0…@rows
for j in 0…@cols
@lattice[i[j]] = k % 10
k = k + 1

I only use k for testing purposes - I expected to see a sequence of numbers from 0 to 9 repeating across the grid when I use

for i in 0…@rows
for j in 0…@cols
print @lattice[i[j]].to_s << " "
print "\n"

However, my results are far from that - I get something similar to this:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 5 0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 5 0 0 0 0
5 0 5 0 0 0 0

basically inverted binary number representations (the 5 and 0 are constant if I use mod 10… when I use mod 11 I get 6 and 8 instead). Could anyone help me out here? Where am I erring?


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If you’re doing anything numerical, you’ll probably want to use either
the Matrix class or take a look at NArray on RAA.

C. W. Strommer wrote:


I’m having a little problem with n-dimensional arrays. Here’s what I intend to do:

I want to create 2-dimensional array which I’m using as a grid for a simulation. The initialize method receives (among others) two values, one for the number of rows and one for the number of colums, which I store in @rows and @cols respectively. The intialize method also creates the lattice based on those values with the following code

@lattice =,
k = 0
for i in 0…@rows
for j in 0…@cols
@lattice[i[j]] = k % 10
k = k + 1

I only use k for testing purposes - I expected to see a sequence of numbers from 0 to 9 repeating across the grid when I use

for i in 0…@rows
for j in 0…@cols
print @lattice[i[j]].to_s << " "
print “\n”

However, my results are far from that - I get something similar to this:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 5 0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 5 0 0 0 0
5 0 5 0 0 0 0

basically inverted binary number representations (the 5 and 0 are constant if I use mod 10… when I use mod 11 I get 6 and 8 instead). Could anyone help me out here? Where am I erring?

I'm having a little problem with n-dimensional arrays. Here's what I intend to do:

  I want to create 2-dimensional array which I'm using as a grid for a simulation. The initialize method receives (among others) two values, one for the number of rows and one for the number of colums, which I store in @rows and @cols respectively. The intialize method also creates the lattice based on those values with the following code

  @lattice =,
  k = 0
  for i in 0...@rows
     for j in 0...@cols
        @lattice[i[j]] = k % 10
        k = k + 1

Problem 1: you need @lattice[i][j] not @lattice[i[j]]

Problem 2:, obj) creates an array containing n identical
references to the same obj, which is usually not want you want (unless obj
is immutable like a Fixnum or true/false/nil)

In devel versions of Ruby I understand you can do something like:

  @lattice = { }

where the block is run for each row, thus generating a new object.

Under 1.6.8 you need to do it a bit more explicitly, for example

   @lattice =
   @rows.times { @lattice << }

or more compactly,

   @lattice = (0...@rows).collect { }

  for i in 0...@rows
     for j in 0...@cols
        print @lattice[i[j]].to_s << " "
     print "\n"

The above works when you fix [i][j]. However in Ruby if you find yourself
writing explicit loops it usually means you've overlooked a more direct way
of performing the desired action :slight_smile: In this case you could use

    @lattice.each do |row|
      row.each do |elem|
        print elem.to_s << " "




On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 01:50:26AM +0900, C. W. Strommer wrote: