Incidentally, you can make your class more general-purpose by using ===,
noting that klass1 === obj is true if obj.is_a?(klass1)
case obj
when klass1
# this is executed if klass1 === obj
I’m not sure exactly what you’d call it (I seem to remember this naming
problem occured for Test::Unit as well), but you’d have something like:
module ArrayMisc
def shift_until_match(caseitem)
res = []
loop do
break if caseitem === self.first
res << self.shift
Then you can do:
class Array; include ArrayMisc; end
a = [0,1,“two”,“three”,“four”,“five”]
b = a.shift_until_match(String)
p a,b
#>> [“two”, “three”, “four”, “five”] [0, 1]
b = a.shift_until_match(/^f/)
p a,b
#>> [“four”, “five”] [“two”, “three”]
Oops, infinite loop if no match! Should be:
break if length == 0 or caseitem === first
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 05:35:05PM +0900, Brian Candler wrote:
break if caseitem === self.first
Thanks… Brian you have lead me to the solution.
My problem was that ‘Array.extend ArrayMisc’ was located in
a method-scope. Moving the following piece of code out into the
global scope, then everything works.
#Array.extend ArrayMisc
class Array; include ArrayMisc; end
AFAIK. I should be able to do an ‘Array.extend’ as above.
But it does not work. Why ?
What is the difference between these 2 lines ?
Simon Strandgaard
a = – a is an instance of Array
a.extend ArrayMisc – adds the methods of ArrayMisc into a’s singleton
class (i.e. they become instance methods of ‘a’)
class Array
include ArrayMisc – adds the methods of ArrayMisc as instance methods
of the class Array
Now, class Array does have a singleton class, but it’s not what you want
to add your method into. The singleton class of a Class is where the ‘class
methods’ go:
module Foo
def foo
puts “hello”
Array.extend Foo # puts methods of Foo into singleton class of Array
#>> “hello”
In other words, you have created a method which belongs to class Array, not
which belongs to instances of class Array.
Hope this makes sense… there are several pages about this on the wiki,
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 07:20:00PM +0900, Simon Strandgaard wrote:
Thanks… Brian you have lead me to the solution.
My problem was that ‘Array.extend ArrayMisc’ was located in
a method-scope. Moving the following piece of code out into the
global scope, then everything works.
#Array.extend ArrayMisc
class Array; include ArrayMisc; end
AFAIK. I should be able to do an ‘Array.extend’ as above.
But it does not work. Why ?
What is the difference between these 2 lines ?
OK… I see. I wasn’t aware of this. Now I ‘think’ I understand
BTW: the case equality trick you showed me is really nice.
On Thu, 29 May 2003 20:34:54 +0900, Brian Candler wrote:
In other words, you have created a method which belongs to class Array, not
which belongs to instances of class Array.
Simon Strandgaard