How do you check if mod_ruby modules loads correctly to the Apache server?
Does apache has a command option to check such as :
ldconfig -v | grep ruby … thanks
How do you check if mod_ruby modules loads correctly to the Apache server?
Does apache has a command option to check such as :
ldconfig -v | grep ruby … thanks
“Useko Netsumi” writes:
How do you check if mod_ruby modules loads correctly to the Apache
server? Does apache has a command option to check such as :ldconfig -v | grep ruby … thanks
Configure an appropriate handler in apache for it, and visit
http://serverbox/server-info and /server-status?
And today the millions cry, |
We eat and drink while |
tomorrow they die. |
I did according to the documentation from
Configure an appropriate handler in apache for it, and >
visit http://serverbox/server-info and
You meant visit the above sites(does not exist) or browse to my Apache
server box? Thanks