[ANN] self.promote.com/energizer

[ANN] self.promote.com/energizer

self.promote.com/energizer is a non-arbitrary framework for smashing
pink bunnies. Some might call this an arbitrary way to re-implement a
package. It is not. It is different -- that is to say, not

There is absolutely no part of self.promote.com/energizer which is
arbitrary. Nothing. Next to nothing, considering the smashing part.
And bunnies. But apart from the smashing and the pink bunnies, there
is no other part which is arbitrary. Random is right out.

I'm taking the power away from you, aren't I? You want it to be
arbitrary. But I've built a package contrariwise. Is there any part
which could be construed as not arbitrary? This could never happen.
I could absolutely not accept less than what I re-implemented. I mean
yes, there is no part which is non-arbitrary. In any case, the point
is that it's not arbitrary. Nowhere. In some places, it is EXTRA
non-arbitrary. Which is possible, believe me.

So, to summarize: not arbitrary. Much like a pink bunny before
getting smashed. The same, bereft of arbitrariness. It keeps going,
and going, and going, and going,...


to everybody playing "I'll have the last word" in recents threads
about arbitraryness: please stop it, few people but you is reading
that anymore, and none of you is going to change his mind anyway, so
why bother? :slight_smile:

happy rubying

please don't answer me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


il 15 Jun 2004 04:00:25 -0700, quixoticsycophant@yahoo.com (Jeff Mitchell) ha scritto::

Another mature one.

  Sean O'Dell


On Tuesday 15 June 2004 04:03, Jeff Mitchell wrote:

[ANN] self.promote.com/energizer

self.promote.com/energizer is a non-arbitrary framework for smashing
pink bunnies. Some might call this an arbitrary way to re-implement a
package. It is not. It is different -- that is to say, not

There is absolutely no part of self.promote.com/energizer which is
arbitrary. Nothing. Next to nothing, considering the smashing part.
And bunnies. But apart from the smashing and the pink bunnies, there
is no other part which is arbitrary. Random is right out.

I'm taking the power away from you, aren't I? You want it to be
arbitrary. But I've built a package contrariwise. Is there any part
which could be construed as not arbitrary? This could never happen.
I could absolutely not accept less than what I re-implemented. I mean
yes, there is no part which is non-arbitrary. In any case, the point
is that it's not arbitrary. Nowhere. In some places, it is EXTRA
non-arbitrary. Which is possible, believe me.

So, to summarize: not arbitrary. Much like a pink bunny before
getting smashed. The same, bereft of arbitrariness. It keeps going,
and going, and going, and going,...

Jeff Mitchell wrote:

[ANN] self.promote.com/energizer

