[ANN] Rumai 2.0.1

Rumai 2.0.1

             Ruby interface to the wmii window manager


   Rumai is a [1]Ruby interface to the [2]wmii window manager.

Version 2.0.1 (2009-01-20)

   This release simplifies project administrivia using
   [3]Inochi, improves the unit tests, and revises the user

   Bug fixes

     * The lib/rumai/ixp/message.rb library's unit test would
       fail if /rbar/status did not already exist in wmii.


     * Store IXP socket address in Rumai::IXP_SOCK_ADDR.

     * Added missing test cases for (TR)create and (TR)remove
       messages in the unit test for the
       lib/rumai/ixp/message.rb library.


   1. http://ruby-lang.org/
   2. http://www.suckless.org/wiki/wmii
   3. http://snk.tuxfamily.org/lib/inochi


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