[ANN] rodauth-oauth 0.8.0 released

rodauth-oauth 0.8.0 has been released.

rodauth-oauth is a rack-compatible toolkit for building OAuth 2.0
authorization servers, as well as OpenID Authentication Providers.

# as simple as
rodauth do
  enable :oauth

It can also be used with Rails (via the "rodauth-rails" gem).

Website: · Rodauth OAuth
Documentation: Rodauth OAuth: OAuth 2.0 and OpenID for rodauth
Wiki: Home · Wiki · HoneyryderChuck / rodauth-oauth · GitLab
CI: https://gitlab.com/honeyryderchuck/rodauth-oauth/pipeline

These are the release notes since the last update:

### 0.8.0 (12/03/2022)

#### Features

* Device code grant

`rodauth-oauth` now supports the [Device code grant RFC](
Device Grant · Wiki · HoneyryderChuck / rodauth-oauth · GitLab), via
the `oauth_device_grant` feature.

* OAuth Tokens Management

An OAuth Tokens Management Dashboard is now provided (via `r.oauth_tokens`
call to enable the routes). It allows the logged in account to list and
revoke OAuth Tokens which have been issued for its resources.

* Assertion Framework (+ SAML and JWT Bearer Grant)

A new plugin, `oauth_assertion_base`, was introduced to provide a baseline
for implementing custom Bearer Assertion as per the [OAuth Client Assertion
Framework RFC](
Client Assertion Framework · Wiki · HoneyryderChuck / rodauth-oauth · GitLab).
This in turn was used to refactor and reintroduce the
SAML Bearer Assertions · Wiki · HoneyryderChuck / rodauth-oauth · GitLab)
and the [oauth_jwt_bearer_grant](
JWT Bearer Assertions · Wiki · HoneyryderChuck / rodauth-oauth · GitLab)
features, which implement the respective and most recent version of the
assertion RFCs.

(as a result, `oauth_saml` was removed, which implemented a very old draft
version of the SAML Bearer spec).

#### Improvements

The OAuth functionality was refactored from 1 big feature, into several

* `oauth_base`
* `oauth_authorization_code_grant`
* `oauth_implicit_grant`
* `oauth_device_grant`
* `oauth_token_introspection`
* `oauth_token_revocation`
* `oauth_application_management`
* `oauth_token_management`
* `oauth_pkce`

They're still loaded together via the `oauth` feature for backwards
compatibility. This will change in a major version.

#### Bugfixes

* `oauth_jwt` integration with the `json-jwt` gem does proper claims
validation now;

### 0.7.4 (15/01/2022)

#### Bugfixes

* including missing erb templates in the package.

## 0.7.3 (14/01/2022)

#### Bugfixes

* fixed generator declarations and views generator, in orderto copy
templates and rewrite paths accordingly.
* update view templates to not use "%%".

#### Chore

* `rodauth` is now declared as a dependency, with minimum version set `2.0`.

### 0.7.2 (14/12/2021)

#### Features

* Revoking tokens from the OAuth Application management interface

Token revocation was only possible when using the client ID and Secret, to
aid "logout" functionality from client applications. Although the admin
interface (available via `r.oauth_applications`) displayed a "Revoke"
button alongside tokens in the list page, this was not working. The RFC
does allow for the use case of application administrators being able to
manually revoke tokens (as a result of client support, for example), so
this functionality was enabled (only for the oauth application owner, for

#### Bugfixes

Default scope usage related bugfixes:

* Improved default scope conversion to avoid nested arrays (@muellerj);
* Authorize form shows a disabled checkbox and POST's no scope when default
scope is to be used (@muellerj);
* example default scope fixed for example authorization server (should be
string) (@muellerj);
* several param fixes in view templates (@muellerj);

OAuth Applications Management fixes:

* Access to OAuth Application page is now restricted to app owner;
* OAuth Applications page now lists the **only** the applications owned by
the logged in user;

### 0.7.1 (05/12/2021)

#### Improvements

* Adapted the `rodauth-i18n` configuration to comply with the guidelines
for `v0.2.0` (which is the defacto minimmal supported version).

#### Bugfixes

* `convert_timestamp` was removed from the templates, as it's private API.
* Several missing or wrong URLs in templates fixed (authorize form was
wrongly processing scopes when none was selected).