Version 1.0.0 (2006-12-11)
= Introduction
Rassmalog is a static blog engine based on RSS 2.0, YAML, and Textile.
features an extensible blog formatting mechanism, automatic tagging and
archiving, and easy configuration.
* It can be easily changed to use _any_ formatting system (see the
"configuration" section below).
* It is inspired by the Rog[] and
hobix[] blog engines.
See {the author's blog}[] for a
Notice how Rassmalog also supports non-English languages.
The name _Rassmalog_ is derived from
{Rasmalai}[] (a delicious Indian
dessert) and is somewhat of a portmanteau of the words RSS, YAML, and
== Facilites
At the {project portal}[], you
* {download release packages}[]
* {report bugs, submit patches and
* {use discussion forums}[]
= Requirements
The following software is required:
* Rake[]
* RedCloth[]
* CodeRay[]
If you have RubyGems[] on your system, then you can
install the above requirements by running the following command:
gem install rake redcloth coderay
== Bypassing the requirements
If you do not wish to install RedCloth and CodeRay, please see the
named "using another formatting system" below.
= Installation
Simply extract the release package anywhere you want.
== Organization
When you extract the release package, you would see the following:
doc/:: directory that contains API documentation
config/:: directory that contains all configuration files
config/blog.yaml:: the primary configuration file for your blog
config/html.erb:: template used to generate all HTML files
config/rss.erb:: template used to generate the RSS 2.0 feed
config/entry.erb:: template that transforms an entry into Textile
config/format.rb:: defines how text is transformed into HTML
entries/:: directory that contains all blog entry files. The file
name of a blog entry file can be anything (it does not have
match the title of the entry). However, the file extension
of a blog entry file must be either "yaml" or "yml".
You can organize your blog entry files within
For example, I like to put all blog entry files related to
programming within the entries/code/ruby/ directory.
entries/example.yaml:: an example blog entry file.
input/:: directory that contains resources (such as images,
and so on) used by your blog. Everything inside this directory
automatically copied into the output/ directory when your blog
output/:: directory that contains all generated files.
= Usage
In the location where you extracted the release package, run the
command to see a list of available tasks:
rake -T
To generate your blog, run either of the following commands:
rake blog
To _forcefully_ regenerate your blog, run the following command:
rake clobber blog
To upload your blog to your website, run the following command:
rake publish
== Configuration
Edit the files inside the config/ directory to suit your taste. These
are described above in the "Organization" section.
=== Using another text formatting system
If you wish to use a different text formatting system, you can do so by
editing the "config/format.rb" file (read the description at the top of
file before making changes).
*Example*: If you replace the contents of the "config/format.rb" file
the following code, then the all entries will appear within gray-colored
<pre> elements in the generated HTML files.
class String
def to_html
'<pre style="background-color: gray">' + self + '</pre>'
In this manner, you can use any formatting system you wish.
= Hacking
You can obtain the latest source code from the Darcs repository:
darcs get
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