[ANN] jabber4r 0.3.0

New release of the best jabber library out there (because of the
language its written in of course :wink:

New Features:

  • REXML support (yeah!)…this is the default (also supports XMLParser)
  • XHTML message support
  • Robust disconnect handling






The purpose of this library is to allow Ruby applications to talk to a
Jabber IM system. Jabber is an open-source instant messaging service,
which can be learned about here. An interesting facet of Jabber is its
ability to represent multiple resources connecting to a single account
at the same time. One could connect to the account account@jabber.org
from home and from work and from a pda all at the same time. Each
connection is viewed as a resource. Messages can be sent to an account
(and the server will decide which resource gets it based on the
resource’s priority) or to an account+resource. The fully qualified
account and resource name is:


This library was created to allow a Ruby application to connect to an
existing Jabber account as an additional resource. This is not meant to
be a library to create a complete Ruby-based Jabber IM client. It was
written for ease of use, not completeness.
It currently supports:

  • Account registration
  • Connection to an account (digest and plain text)
  • Access to Roster (buddy list)
  • Tracking of presence of resources in the Roster (including local
    account resources)
  • Sending and receiving messages
  • Managing subscriptions
  • XHTML messages
  • Pluggable XML Parsers

Simple Example:

require “jabber4r/jabber4r"
session = Jabber::Session.bind_digest(“account@host/resource”,
msg = session.new_message("rich_kilmer@jabber.org”)
msg.set_subject(“hello”).set_body(“This is really cool”).send
rescue Exception=>error
puts error
session.release if session


Rich Kilmer, InfoEther LLC
trap(“SIGINT”) { raise [104, 101, 108, 108].pack(“cccc”) }

But can you write Jabber components with it?


On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 03:44:59PM +0900, Rich Kilmer wrote:

New release of the best jabber library out there (because of the
language its written in of course :wink:

Rafael R. Sevilla +63(2)8123151
Software Developer, Imperium Technology Inc. +63(917)4458925

In article 002901c2a0e0$c81e42a0$3301a8c0@TECHNO,

New release of the best jabber library out there (because of the
language its written in of course :wink:

New Features:

  • REXML support (yeah!)…this is the default (also supports XMLParser)
  • XHTML message support
  • Robust disconnect handling


NameBright - Coming Soon

I really wanted to get jabber4r using the shiny new raa-install, but:

$raa-install --install jabber4r
Downloading project data
Error: File
NameBright - Coming Soon has an
unsupported extension

Apparently raa-install doesn’t support .zip files…

Could the jabber4r pakage be packaged in a .tar or .tgz file?
OR could raa-install support .zip files?



Rich Kilmer rich@infoether.com wrote:

“Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?”
Amy Weiss (accusing theregister.co.uk of engaging in ‘tabloid journalism’)
Senior VP, Communications
Recording Industry Association of America

Not hooked directly into the jabber process. For the main project I use
this on (US DOD/DARPA) I write “services” as jabber clients. I don’t
extend the server. Every client is really a service (host computer) and
I use the FreeBASE ( rubyide.org )
system as a plugin manager. Jabber is just used as the message switch.
In a single run of our distributed multi-agent application about 80,000
(big) messages flow through it in about 40 minutes and Ruby w/jabber4r
keeps right up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rafael R.Sevilla [mailto:dido@imperium.ph]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1:54 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: [ANN] jabber4r 0.3.0

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 03:44:59PM +0900, Rich Kilmer wrote:

New release of the best jabber library out there (because of the
language its written in of course :wink:

But can you write Jabber components with it?

Is there is a 100% ruby library for .zip? If there is I could maybe
support .zip files in raainstall. Otherwise, better to repackage as



On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 07:01:48AM +0900, Phil Tomson wrote:

Apparently raa-install doesn’t support .zip files…

Could the jabber4r pakage be packaged in a .tar or .tgz file?
OR could raa-install support .zip files?

Rich Kilmer wrote:

Not hooked directly into the jabber process. For the main project I use
this on (US DOD/DARPA) I write “services” as jabber clients. I don’t
extend the server. Every client is really a service (host computer) and
I use the FreeBASE ( rubyide.org )
system as a plugin manager. Jabber is just used as the message switch.
In a single run of our distributed multi-agent application about 80,000
(big) messages flow through it in about 40 minutes and Ruby w/jabber4r
keeps right up.

This is very interesting! :wink:
Would it be disclosing US national secrets if you were to give us a
brief description of what your “distributed multi-agent application” does?


Wai-Sun “Squidster” Chia
Consulting & Integration
Linux/Unix/Web Developer Dude
“Just Another Ruby Miner”

So you’re saying you can’t write a program that connects to a Jabber
daemon and provides a component service, e.g. a transport, such as what
you can do with jabber.py for Python or Marbles for Java… :frowning: Looks
like I’m going to have to write that part myself. I’m planning to write
a Jabber to SMS transport using Ruby and gsmlib, actually.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 04:02:33PM +0900, Rich Kilmer wrote:

Not hooked directly into the jabber process. For the main project I use
this on (US DOD/DARPA) I write “services” as jabber clients.

Rafael R. Sevilla +63(2)8123151
Software Developer, Imperium Technology Inc. +63(917)4458925

In article 20021211171825.GA2345@localhost.localdomain,

Apparently raa-install doesn’t support .zip files…

Could the jabber4r pakage be packaged in a .tar or .tgz file?
OR could raa-install support .zip files?

Is there is a 100% ruby library for .zip? If there is I could maybe
support .zip files in raainstall. Otherwise, better to repackage as

How about: http://rubyzip.sourceforge.net/

From the README:
rubyzip is a ruby library for reading and writing zip (pkzip format)
files, with the restriction that only uncompressed and deflated zip
entries are supported. All this library does is handling of the zip file
format. the actual compression/decompression is handled by zlib. zlib is
accessible from ruby thanks to ruby/zlib

I think raa-install already depends on zlib.



Tom Clarke tom@u2i.com wrote:

On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 07:01:48AM +0900, Phil Tomson wrote:

“Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?”
Amy Weiss (accusing theregister.co.uk of engaging in ‘tabloid journalism’)
Senior VP, Communications
Recording Industry Association of America

It does and it doesn’t. It requires either zlib or gnu tar. As the
windows distribution comes with zlib, and most modern unixy platforms
will have gnu tar it covers most people.

I think my vote is to standardize on tar.gz. Any other opinions?



On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 11:43:31AM +0900, Phil Tomson wrote:

In article 20021211171825.GA2345@localhost.localdomain,
How about: http://rubyzip.sourceforge.net/

From the README:
rubyzip is a ruby library for reading and writing zip (pkzip format)
files, with the restriction that only uncompressed and deflated zip
entries are supported. All this library does is handling of the zip file
format. the actual compression/decompression is handled by zlib. zlib is
accessible from ruby thanks to ruby/zlib

I think raa-install already depends on zlib.

In article 20021211220353.GA1088@localhost.localdomain,


Tom Clarke tom@u2i.com wrote:

On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 11:43:31AM +0900, Phil Tomson wrote:

In article 20021211171825.GA2345@localhost.localdomain,
How about: http://rubyzip.sourceforge.net/

From the README:
rubyzip is a ruby library for reading and writing zip (pkzip format)
files, with the restriction that only uncompressed and deflated zip
entries are supported. All this library does is handling of the zip file
format. the actual compression/decompression is handled by zlib. zlib is
accessible from ruby thanks to ruby/zlib

I think raa-install already depends on zlib.

It does and it doesn’t. It requires either zlib or gnu tar. As the
windows distribution comes with zlib, and most modern unixy platforms
will have gnu tar it covers most people.

I think my vote is to standardize on tar.gz. Any other opinions?

Actually, it doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult to support .zip
files on Unix using RubyZip. So zlib doesn’t come with the standard Ruby
distro? Perhaps we should lobby for it’s inclusion in 1.7?


“Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?”
Amy Weiss (accusing theregister.co.uk of engaging in ‘tabloid journalism’)
Senior VP, Communications
Recording Industry Association of America

Raa-install is in kind of in a funny place that needs defining, don’t
you think? I mean its mission is to use the existing RAA resources to
perform an installation. By that definition, raa-install is at the
mercy of the data. To fully achieve its task, it needs to workaround
every idiosyncracy of the data. Fixing bad URLs, searching FTP
directories. If an author checks in a RAR file, then
Raa-install must look at supporting RAR?

I’d truly like to see authors use the fields in RAA to contain data
which is useful to a program such as Raa-install. The notes section can
be used for excess data. If we can decide to place direct links to a
tar.gz in the download field, then links to other compressed formats can
be contained in the notes field. Personally, tarballs are the natural
choice simply because they’re in the majority and raa-install already
supports gzip and tar.

So if we can take some steps as a community to provide RAA with more
specific and useful data, then a bit of software like Raa-install won’t
be some incredible wizardry. I’m saying we standardize on [1] a
compression format, [2] our install.rb/setup.rb process, [3] a technique
for identifying package dependancies. Once decided, this information
must become pervasive, such that popular Ruby site have the information
readily accessible.

Anyways, I’m way off-topic now, but still sort of on… :slight_smile: My vote is
[1] tar.gz, [2] Minero Aoki’s install.rb/setup.rb, [3] integration of
install.rb and RAAInstall to provide installation of dependancies.



Tom Clarke (tom@u2i.com) wrote:

It does and it doesn’t. It requires either zlib or gnu tar. As the
windows distribution comes with zlib, and most modern unixy platforms
will have gnu tar it covers most people.

I think my vote is to standardize on tar.gz. Any other opinions?

And there are some of us ruby folk who develop on Windows and not Linux
(so we can be closer to our users :wink: and the common compression is .zip
format. Now I happen to have the ability to tar and gzip the file,
but don’t you think you should support something on standard unix
(tar.gz) and standard win32 (zip)?

If it makes everyone happy I will tar.gz jabber4r.



-----Original Message-----
From: why the lucky stiff [mailto:ruby-talk@whytheluckystiff.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:08 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: [ANN] jabber4r 0.3.0 (doesn’t work with raa-install)

Tom Clarke (tom@u2i.com) wrote:

It does and it doesn’t. It requires either zlib or gnu tar. As the
windows distribution comes with zlib, and most modern unixy
will have gnu tar it covers most people.

I think my vote is to standardize on tar.gz. Any other opinions?

Raa-install is in kind of in a funny place that needs
defining, don’t you think? I mean its mission is to use the
existing RAA resources to perform an installation. By that
definition, raa-install is at the mercy of the data. To
fully achieve its task, it needs to workaround every
idiosyncracy of the data. Fixing bad URLs, searching FTP
directories. If an author checks in a RAR file, then
Raa-install must look at supporting RAR?

I’d truly like to see authors use the fields in RAA to
contain data which is useful to a program such as
Raa-install. The notes section can be used for excess data.
If we can decide to place direct links to a tar.gz in the
download field, then links to other compressed formats can be
contained in the notes field. Personally, tarballs are the
natural choice simply because they’re in the majority and
raa-install already supports gzip and tar.

So if we can take some steps as a community to provide RAA
with more specific and useful data, then a bit of software
like Raa-install won’t be some incredible wizardry. I’m
saying we standardize on [1] a compression format, [2] our
install.rb/setup.rb process, [3] a technique for identifying
package dependancies. Once decided, this information must
become pervasive, such that popular Ruby site have the
information readily accessible.

Anyways, I’m way off-topic now, but still sort of on… :slight_smile: My
vote is [1] tar.gz, [2] Minero Aoki’s install.rb/setup.rb,
[3] integration of install.rb and RAAInstall to provide
installation of dependancies.


why the lucky stiff wrote:

Raa-install is in kind of in a funny place that needs defining, don’t
you think? I mean its mission is to use the existing RAA resources to
perform an installation. By that definition, raa-install is at the
mercy of the data. To fully achieve its task, it needs to workaround
every idiosyncracy of the data. Fixing bad URLs, searching FTP
directories. If an author checks in a RAR file, then
Raa-install must look at supporting RAR?

What ever happened to RubyGems?

I would like to see some kind of standard deployment format similar to
Java’s jar files. Having a standard format would go a long way toward
helping Ruby programs become easier to deploy, distribute, and install.

If RubyGems is dead, is there anyone out there who has the bandwidth to pick
it up and move forward? I want this for FreeRIDE – we want FreeRIDE to also
be able to create deployment packages, but right now there is no such thing.



I’d truly like to see authors use the fields in RAA to contain data
which is useful to a program such as Raa-install. The notes section can
be used for excess data. If we can decide to place direct links to a
tar.gz in the download field, then links to other compressed formats can
be contained in the notes field. Personally, tarballs are the natural
choice simply because they’re in the majority and raa-install already
supports gzip and tar.

So if we can take some steps as a community to provide RAA with more
specific and useful data, then a bit of software like Raa-install won’t
be some incredible wizardry. I’m saying we standardize on [1] a
compression format, [2] our install.rb/setup.rb process, [3] a technique
for identifying package dependancies. Once decided, this information
must become pervasive, such that popular Ruby site have the information
readily accessible.

Anyways, I’m way off-topic now, but still sort of on… :slight_smile: My vote is
[1] tar.gz, [2] Minero Aoki’s install.rb/setup.rb, [3] integration of
install.rb and RAAInstall to provide installation of dependancies.


In article 20021212051843.GA5879@rysa.inetz.com,

It does and it doesn’t. It requires either zlib or gnu tar. As the
windows distribution comes with zlib, and most modern unixy platforms
will have gnu tar it covers most people.

I think my vote is to standardize on tar.gz. Any other opinions?

Raa-install is in kind of in a funny place that needs defining, don’t
you think? I mean its mission is to use the existing RAA resources to
perform an installation. By that definition, raa-install is at the
mercy of the data. To fully achieve its task, it needs to workaround
every idiosyncracy of the data. Fixing bad URLs, searching FTP

Quite true, I find that I can’t use raa-install with many sourceforge
hosted packages as there is no direct link to the package.

If an author checks in a RAR file, then
Raa-install must look at supporting RAR?

what’s RAR?

I’d truly like to see authors use the fields in RAA to contain data
which is useful to a program such as Raa-install. The notes section can
be used for excess data. If we can decide to place direct links to a
tar.gz in the download field, then links to other compressed formats can
be contained in the notes field. Personally, tarballs are the natural
choice simply because they’re in the majority and raa-install already
supports gzip and tar.


So if we can take some steps as a community to provide RAA with more
specific and useful data, then a bit of software like Raa-install won’t
be some incredible wizardry. I’m saying we standardize on [1] a
compression format, [2] our install.rb/setup.rb process, [3] a technique
for identifying package dependancies. Once decided, this information
must become pervasive, such that popular Ruby site have the information
readily accessible.

Anyways, I’m way off-topic now, but still sort of on… :slight_smile: My vote is
[1] tar.gz, [2] Minero Aoki’s install.rb/setup.rb, [3] integration of
install.rb and RAAInstall to provide installation of dependancies.

I would tend to agree… In addition to what you’ve said, I think we
should also have some sort of tool that makes it easy for package creators
to create these package files - something like the tool that Andy Hunt
showed at RubyConf.

As for #2 above (install.rb/setup.rb) it seems a bit awkward since this
isn’t built-in to Ruby. I guess what I mean is that I have to keep
setup.rb and install.rb somewhere (and remember where :slight_smile: and copy them
over to my package everytime I make a new one. Maybe that could be done
automatically by the packaging tool. Or perhaps we could have an Install
module in Ruby that is used to easily build our install.rb scripts.
Something along the lines of how we create extentions:

  1. create an inst_conf.rb:
    require ‘mkinst’ #Or perhaps: include Install if it’s built-in module
    #hash of dependencies and versions:
    depends_on = {‘rexml’ => 0.5.0, ‘jabber4r’ => 0.1.0, ‘ruby_foo’ =>‘*’ }
    #NOTE: perhaps this depends_on hash could be built automatically…
    create_install_script(packageName, depends_on, …other useful stuff…)

  2. run inst_conf.rb:
    It creates the install.rb file for you and makes sure you have the
    correct directory structure. It also would build a dependency list and it
    would be up to the install.rb script to handle fetching dependencies via
    raa-install. Running inst_conf.rb could even create the .tar.gz file for
    the package (could be useful for Windows folks who don’t have tar).

A few more ideas: Now that Nahi has enforced a canonical naming scheme on
the RAA (Why, that’s why I was asking you about this earlier) it would
seem to be fairly easy to create something that redefines the
Kernel#require method so that it catches the ‘LoadError’ exception (I
think that’s what the exception is called when it can’t find the file to
be required) and tries to use raa-install to download and install the
package. Or perhaps an raa-exec script could be added to the raa-install
tool suite that does something like:

alias old_require require
def require(file)
old_require file
rescue LoadError
puts “go fish!”
#try to load the required package with raa-install here#

load ARGV[0]


why the lucky stiff ruby-talk@whytheluckystiff.net wrote:

Tom Clarke (tom@u2i.com) wrote:

If you weren’t sure you had all the dependencies for a particular package
then you could run:
$raa-exec some.rb
Would this be a way of ‘automatically’ dealing with dependencies?

Maybe this won’t work by itself since a particular package might have
several Ruby files that might get required, so there would have to be some
kind of mapping available somewhere that specifies which .rb files are
available in each package… on second thought maybe it’s easier just to
have a dependency list for each package and have he package installer get
the dependent packages…


“Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?”
Amy Weiss (accusing theregister.co.uk of engaging in ‘tabloid journalism’)
Senior VP, Communications
Recording Industry Association of America

With the new canonical name, we could go for a different approach, Rich. RAA
could simply contain the distribution directory. In jabber4r’s case
this would be NameBright - Coming Soon. Users
accessing RAA would click on the link to see a choice of packages.

In order for this to work with Raa-install, packages would have to have
a predicatable naming convention, such as [name]-[version].tar.gz. Aha!
Jabber4r uses this convention already! Raa-install attempts to download
NameBright - Coming Soon.



Rich Kilmer (rich@infoether.com) wrote:

And there are some of us ruby folk who develop on Windows and not Linux
(so we can be closer to our users :wink: and the common compression is .zip
format. Now I happen to have the ability to tar and gzip the file,
but don’t you think you should support something on standard unix
(tar.gz) and standard win32 (zip)?

If it makes everyone happy I will tar.gz jabber4r.


In article 001e01c2a19f$dbc30ba0$3301a8c0@TECHNO,

And there are some of us ruby folk who develop on Windows and not Linux
(so we can be closer to our users :wink: and the common compression is .zip
format. Now I happen to have the ability to tar and gzip the file,
but don’t you think you should support something on standard unix
(tar.gz) and standard win32 (zip)?

True, but does every Windows user have pkzip installed? Is it built-in to
Windows these days? (been assimilated…)

raa-install has a Ruby implementation of tar in it (actually they got it
from rpkg - BTW: this tar module should be a separate packge on the RAA
:wink: so there should be no problem untar’ing on Windows. I’m not sure if
this Ruby tar module lets you create tar files, though…

If it makes everyone happy I will tar.gz jabber4r.

It should work for windows folk as well for the reasons I mentioned above.



Rich Kilmer rich@infoether.com wrote:

“Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?”
Amy Weiss (accusing theregister.co.uk of engaging in ‘tabloid journalism’)
Senior VP, Communications
Recording Industry Association of America

What ever happened to RubyGems?

I would like to see some kind of standard deployment format similar to
Java’s jar files. Having a standard format would go a long way toward
helping Ruby programs become easier to deploy, distribute, and install.

Funny you mention jar - it’s just zip in disguise, but with tar CLI. On
my incredibly crippled AIX box at work, we use jar is we want to unzip
(non-Java-related) zip files!!!

[From _why:]

Anyways, I’m way off-topic now, but still sort of on… :slight_smile: My vote is
[1] tar.gz, [2] Minero Aoki’s install.rb/setup.rb, [3] integration of
install.rb and RAAInstall to provide installation of dependancies.


IMO dependency resolution is not an important matter. If we have an easy way
to download and install third-party packages, then “manually” getting the right
packages (i.e. RingTFM) would not be a hassle.

Once that’s achieved, some bright people can implement:

  • mass downloading to keep everything current (Cygwin’s installer is a
    great model for this
  • dependency resolution

Summary: package format and installation procedure are the most important



From: “Curt Hibbs” curt@hibbs.com

Quite true, I find that I can’t use raa-install with many sourceforge
hosted packages as there is no direct link to the package.

And raa-install does have some code to accomodate links such as:

Download yamlrb-0.47.tar.gz (YAML.rb: YAML for Ruby)

Raa-install will select a sourceforge mirror and rewrite the URL. But
then there are sourceforge links in RAA such as this:

BotFrenzy - Browse Files at SourceForge.net

Which become very difficult to rewrite.

If an author checks in a RAR file, then
Raa-install must look at supporting RAR?

what’s RAR?

Compression format.

I would tend to agree… In addition to what you’ve said, I think we
should also have some sort of tool that makes it easy for package creators
to create these package files - something like the tool that Andy Hunt
showed at RubyConf.

Perhaps an raa-update is in order. A command line tool that could
verify that your package cooperates with raa-install. Then, providing
it with your password, raa-update will make your update to RAA.

And, as you mention, raa-update could help owners to create the
install.rb and setup.rb.

A few more ideas: Now that Nahi has enforced a canonical naming scheme on
the RAA (Why, that’s why I was asking you about this earlier) it would
seem to be fairly easy to create something that redefines the
Kernel#require method so that it catches the ‘LoadError’ exception (I
think that’s what the exception is called when it can’t find the file to
be required) and tries to use raa-install to download and install the

In order for this to work, the canonical name in RAA must match the
require line. Or such a require could take a second argument indicating
the package’s name in RAA…

require ‘rexml/document’, ‘rexml’

Many great ideas, Phil. I really like the idea of having an
install-maker script. That could really help pass the baton on to



Phil Tomson (ptkwt@shell1.aracnet.com) wrote:

In article 20021212060432.GC5879@rysa.inetz.com,

And there are some of us ruby folk who develop on Windows and not Linux
(so we can be closer to our users :wink: and the common compression is .zip
format. Now I happen to have the ability to tar and gzip the file,
but don’t you think you should support something on standard unix
(tar.gz) and standard win32 (zip)?

If it makes everyone happy I will tar.gz jabber4r.


With the new canonical name, we could go for a different approach, Rich. RAA
could simply contain the distribution directory. In jabber4r’s case
this would be NameBright - Coming Soon.

But what about the future when we hope to have all the packages in a
central repository with mirrors? (like freepan?)

accessing RAA would click on the link to see a choice of packages.

What if you’re using raa-install?

In order for this to work with Raa-install, packages would have to have
a predicatable naming convention, such as [name]-[version].tar.gz. Aha!
Jabber4r uses this convention already! Raa-install attempts to download
NameBright - Coming Soon.

I still don’t see how this works with raa-install? I think that we’re
better off using the Ruby tar implemention - that way we can untar on
Windows without having an actual ‘tar’ binary installed on Windows.



why the lucky stiff ruby-talk@whytheluckystiff.net wrote:

Rich Kilmer (rich@infoether.com) wrote:

“Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?”
Amy Weiss (accusing theregister.co.uk of engaging in ‘tabloid journalism’)
Senior VP, Communications
Recording Industry Association of America

don’t you think you should support something on standard unix
(tar.gz) and standard win32 (zip)?

True, but does every Windows user have pkzip installed? Is it built-in to
Windows these days? (been assimilated…)

raa-install has a Ruby implementation of tar in it (actually they got it
from rpkg - BTW: this tar module should be a separate packge on the RAA
:wink: so there should be no problem untar’ing on Windows. I’m not sure if
this Ruby tar module lets you create tar files, though…

raa-install should have a Ruby-based ability to operate with .tar.gz and with

We should aim to have this ability in the 1.8 standard library.



From: “Phil Tomson” ptkwt@shell1.aracnet.com