I've been discussing with Greg ways to make FuseFS cross-platform (I've been posting as greasygreasy on Redhanded, BTW).
I think I have a pretty good solution I've worked up using a modified version of Tatsuki Sugiura’s WebDAV Servlet for WEBRick (http://redhanded.hobix.com/inspect/webrickWebdavHandlerSafelyExtractedFromTheWild.html). Reading works perfectly, writing is good on Windows but I need to implement locking in Sugiura's code before OS X (and maybe linux?) will allow writing.
On OS X WebDAV support is always available and acts just like a normal mounted filesystem. I believe that on Linux one can use WebDAV using davfs (http://dav.sourceforge.net/), which seems to come with quite a few distros. Windows has built-in support for WebDAV as well, but I've just discovered that it only seems to allow dragging files in and out of folders, not editing-in-place or from the command line. Do those with more Windows experience know, is there any way to have a more natural WebDAV mount on Windows like on the other OS's? Or am I barking up the wrong tree with this solution? What would you folks use instead? CIFS or SMB has been suggested to me, and my original idea was an NFS server, both well supported cross-platform, but I know of no ruby library for writing either.
-- Brian Palmer