[ANN] CursWrap 0.1.2

CursWrap 0.1.2


CursWrap is a high-level interface to the [n]Curses terminal I/O
library. It is available under the new-style BSD license, which ought
to be lax enough for everybody. :slight_smile:

Changes in this version:

  1. All colors and screen attributes are now handled in the
    CursWrap.colorize and CursWrap::Glyph#colorize methods.
    [e.g. aGlyph.colorize( :red, :bold, :underline)
    CursWrap.colorize( :standout,
    :dim )

    Refer to Doc.txt for a list of recognized symbols.

  2. An example program, test.rb, is included. (Note that both
    test.rb’s code and output are rather ugly at this point, but worth a
    look nonetheless.)

Refer to Build.txt for compilation instructions (or just do ./extconf.rb
&& make), and Doc.txt for documentation.