Another problem translating ‘Learn to Program’: I don’t know much
about Mac OS X but I assume that it has localized versions similar to
Windows. Could someone using a German version check what the German
counterpart of
Terminal application (found in Applications/Utilities)
is? What I also need to know: Is Applications/Utilities a path (i.e.
folder ‘Applications’, subfolder ‘Utilities’) or a name (i.e. folder
In <> Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT wrote:
Could someone using a German version check what the German
counterpart of
Terminal application (found in Applications/Utilities)
is? What I also need to know: Is Applications/Utilities a path (i.e.
folder ‘Applications’, subfolder ‘Utilities’) or a name (i.e. folder
ich habe seit kurzem einen Mac und wie sagen die dazu, schaumamal, es
ist das “Programm “Terminal”” und man findet es im “Finder” (Apples
Explorer) unter Programme > Dienstprogramme.
Nur am Rande:
Auf Platte selber schaut das so aus:
Applications taucht also als “Programme” auf, Utilities als
“Dienstprogramme” und was als “Terminal” auftaucht ist eigentlich das
Verzeichnis! Schon eigenartig, so ein Mac!
It doesn’t make much sense to send a text in German to a newsgroup
that uses English.
Oh, sorry! Merely regarded it as somewhat “pragmatic” and as making at
least a bit of sense in that very particular case that I as a German
would answer the question of another German regarding a German string in
the German version of Mac OS X in, well, German…