Is there any current work in progress on the 1.8 docs?
I’m assuming that it will be very much “under construction”, so “look
out for wet paint and falling masonry”, but quite a few people are
using version 1.8 now, so…
Matz has pointed out one or two things that have caused me to start
using it, but I am having problems with
h =, website.port)
puts "In #{line_No} h is #{h.inspect}"
puts "In #{line_No} h is #{h.inspect}"
puts "In #{line_No} website.path is #{website.path.inspect}"
resp, data= h.get(website.path)
rescue EOFError
resp = nil
data = nil
retry_count ||= 0
if retry_count > 10
retry_count += 1
puts "data is #{data.inspect}"
resulting in data being nil in 1.8, instead of just being empty or
containing something useful which is what I had from the same page
in 1.6.[78].
Net::HTTP has chnaged somewhat, most of the arguments associated
with this are now called arg1, arg2, arg3, so that the Rdoc results
are not as meaningful as would be ideal.
If anyone has got docs I’m happy to make some effort to add rdoc
comments and so forth to the source where I’m confident that I won’t
break anything.
In mail “1.8 docs in progress?”
resp, data= h.get(website.path)
resulting in data being nil in 1.8, instead of just being empty or
containing something useful which is what I had from the same page
in 1.6.[78].
require ‘net/http’
Net::HTTP has chnaged somewhat, most of the arguments associated
with this are now called arg1, arg2, arg3, so that the Rdoc results
are not as meaningful as would be ideal.
Please refer embedded RD document now.
Minero Aoki
Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng wrote:
“Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng” wrote in message
Is there any current work in progress on the 1.8 docs?
I’m assuming that it will be very much “under construction”, so “look
out for wet paint and falling masonry”, but quite a few people are
using version 1.8 now, so…
Matz has pointed out one or two things that have caused me to start
using it
What are new things from 1.6 you speak about ?
Where can a get a list of new feature (not a huge chanlog please which
doens’t mean anything if u’re not a Ruby developper).
In mail “1.8 docs in progress?”
resp, data= h.get(website.path)
resulting in data being nil in 1.8, instead of just being empty or
containing something useful which is what I had from the same page
in 1.6.[78].
require ‘net/http’
Thank you (and for the info on ruby-doc also).
Net::HTTP has chnaged somewhat, most of the arguments associated
with this are now called arg1, arg2, arg3, so that the Rdoc results
are not as meaningful as would be ideal.
Please refer embedded RD document now.
Thanks. I’ll note here that you explained on Ruby-doc why the args
are like this: because of the semantics changing when only some are
supplied. They can be called with (uri) or (host, path, [port]).
Minero Aoki
Thank you.
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Minero Aoki wrote:
Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng <> wrote:
dunno where such a list is, but I can tell you what I remember:
disclaimer: everything can be wrong
- better I/O support on windows
- added StringIO class
- added Test::Unit to stdlib
- various method added/enhancement to stdlib (Pop,fileutils, http,
- ability to create an Array passing it different objects, in 1.6 you
would just have different refernces to the same object or an ugly
workaround ( if I’m correct: " {default} ")
- mersenne twister instead of classical rand() algorithm
things I think are going in, maybe already gone,
but absolutely not sure if they actually are:
- scanf
- generational gc
- synchronized :method (for easy threaded implementations a-la java)
- i +1 like i+1 (at the moment it’s like i(+1)
- Module#define_method
and general enhancements everywhere
il Fri, 28 Mar 2003 08:53:34 +0100, “Cédric Foll” ha scritto::
What are new things from 1.6 you speak about ?
Where can a get a list of new feature (not a huge chanlog please which
doens’t mean anything if u’re not a Ruby developper).